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Calisthenics For Special Forces

Writer's picture: Todd HandlerTodd Handler

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

The Ultimate Bootcamp Workout Guide

What's up, troops! You're about to discover the ultimate calisthenics guide that will get you fit, fierce, and ready for Special Forces action.

If you're a young blood with dreams of joining the elite squad, listen up, because this article is gonna be the bomb.

Now, you might be wondering what the heck calisthenics are and how they can help you soldier up.

Trust me, bro, calisthenics are like the swiss army knife of workouts.

You can do 'em anywhere, anytime, without fancy equipment or gym fees. Plus, they're customizable for fitness levels, so if you're just starting out or a seasoned hard charger, you're gonna benefit from 'em.

So, why should you get into calisthenics for Special Forces training?

First off, the selection parameters of pull-ups, push-ups, and abs are crucial skills you gotta master. You don't wanna be the weak link in your team, do ya?

Calisthenics build functional strength and endurance by using your own bodyweight as resistance. That means you're training for real-world situations where you need to move, climb, and carry heavy gear.

But wait, there's more!

Calisthenics also increase your flexibility, agility, and coordination, which are essential skills for Special Forces personnel. You don't wanna be that clunky dude who can't crawl under barbed wire, do ya? That's why you need to train like a ninja with calisthenics.

Now, don't worry if you're not a pull-up, push-up, and abs machine yet.

We got your six.

We'll show you how to blast through more reps than the Grenade Launcher with tips and techniques for increasing your numbers.

From pyramidal sets to EMOM (every minute on the minute) workouts, we'll get you pumped up like a mule with a carrot in front of it.

But hold up, safety first. We don't wanna see you get hurt in the line of duty, so we'll also cover injury prevention. Warm-ups, cool-downs, proper form, and gear such as magnesium will keep you in tip-top shape and away from the medics.

So, are you ready to be a calisthenics beast and crush Special Forces Selection like a boss?

Then, let's gear up and train like we fight.

Why Calisthenics For Special Forces?

To become a part of the elite Special Forces, you need to have a high level of physical fitness and toughness.

Having to master the selection parameters of pull-ups, push-ups, and abs is a crucial requirement for all individuals desiring to join Special Forces. Fear not, because calisthenics is the answer to this requirement.

Selection Parameters For Special Forces: Pull-ups, Push-ups, And Abs

To become a top-notch Special Forces personnel, mastering pull-ups, push-ups, and abs is of utmost importance. Servicemen and women in the Special Forces use these selection parameters extensively to test skills of strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

The parameters used for testing physical fitness in Special Forces include pull-ups, testing for upper body and grip strength which are mandatory for climbing ropes, walls, and mountains, push-ups testing for chest, triceps, and core strength that are necessary as part of carrying heavy gear and crawling on the ground; and abs, particularly sit-ups, testing core strength and endurance which are vital for maintaining balance and stability in various situations.

How Calisthenics Can Help Develop Strength And Endurance In These Areas

Now that we understand the importance of mastering the selection parameters, let's discuss why calisthenics exercises are a better way to develop strength and endurance as compared to weightlifting exercises.

Calisthenics exercises are specifically designed to mimic real-world movements and challenges that Special Forces personnel may face in the line of duty. These exercises use body weight as resistance instead of weights or gym machines. Moreover, calisthenics exercises can be customized as per individual fitness levels, which means that beginners can start with modified versions of basic exercises, while experienced individuals can take the exercises up a notch.

By using calisthenics exercises for training, servicemen and women are able to build functional strength and endurance that is essential in Special Forces training.

Examples Of Special Forces Units That Use Calisthenics For Training

Special Forces units around the globe use calisthenics exercises as part of their training regime to prepare their recruits for the rigorous demands of the job.

For example, The US Army's Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) is renowned for utilizing calisthenics exercises, including bear crawls, leg tucks, and pull-ups. These exercises are a great way for recruits to develop the physical endurance and strength needed in Special Forces situations. Similarly, the Australian Special Air Service (SAS) has integrated calisthenics exercises like burpees, push-ups, and lunges into their training regime as well.

By following these exercises as part of their daily routine, the recruits are better prepared physically and mentally to face the various challenges of the Special Forces. So, if you're looking to join the elite ranks of the Special Forces, incorporating calisthenics exercises in your fitness regime could be the game-changer you need.

How To Improve Pull-ups, Push-ups, And Abs

Now it's time to show you how to improve your pull-ups, push-ups, and abs! Here are some tips and techniques that can help you increase the number of repetitions for each exercise:

Offer Tips And Techniques For Increasing Repetition


- Start with negative pull-ups: Jump to the top of the bar and lower yourself down slowly.

- Use assisted bands or machines for support.

- Do isometric holds at the top and bottom positions.


- Try to maintain proper form: Keep your heels, hips, shoulders, and head in line.

- Vary the width of your hands to target different muscles.

- Use incline or decline angles to increase or decrease resistance.


- Focus on proper breathing: Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.

- Use a full range of motion: Touch your elbows to your knees to complete a proper rep.

- Incorporate side planks and other exercises to target obliques.

Different Training Methods: Pyramidal, Emom, And Others

In addition to the tips and techniques, there are different training methods you can use to increase your reps and build endurance. Two popular methods are:

Pyramidal Method:

- Start with a low number of reps and gradually increase.

- Do one rep, take a short rest, and do two reps, then take another rest.

- Keep adding reps until you reach half of your maximum, then go back down the pyramid.

Emom Method:

- EMOM stands for every minute on the minute.

- Set a number of reps you want to accomplish in one minute.

- For example, if you want to do 20 push-ups in one minute, you start the timer and do 20 push-ups.

- Rest for the remaining time, and start again when the next minute starts.

The Importance Of Consistency And Progression In Training

Ultimately, the key to improving your progress, so you know when to increase the number of repetitions or make the exercises more challenging.

Make sure you gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises and don't push yourself too hard too soon. Overtraining and injury can set you back in your training and compromise your chances of success.

Incorporate variations of the exercises into your calisthenics routine for better results. More importantly, fit in a rest day or two each week to allow time for your muscles to recover.

Consistency of training helps build endurance, strength, and muscle memory. As you master the movements, you'll be able to complete more reps effortlessly, allowing you to focus on getting better at other exercises.

By incorporating these tips and techniques, different training methods, and building consistency in your training routine, you can become more efficient at pull-ups, push-ups, and abs, and improve your chances of crushing your selection tests.

Injury Prevention

Calisthenics exercises are a great way to build strength and endurance, but it's important to take precautions to prevent injuries. Here are some tips to help you stay safe during your calisthenics training:

Emphasize The Importance Of Proper Warm-up And Cool-down Routines

Before you begin your calisthenics training, it's crucial to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for the physical activity that lies ahead. A good warm-up includes dynamic stretches and movements that increase your heart rate and engage your major muscle groups.

Likewise, after your workout, ensure you cool down with static stretches that help calm your breathing, decrease your heart rate, and increase flexibility. Warming up and cooling down properly can help prevent injuries and keep your muscles limber and healthy.

Discuss Common Injuries Associated With Calisthenics And How To Prevent Them

Calisthenics exercises are relatively low-impact when compared to weightlifting and other high-impact sports. However, there are still a few common injuries associated with calisthenics exercises.

Wrist, elbow, and shoulder injuries are common, mainly due to poor form while doing push-ups, dips, and handstand pushups. To prevent these injuries, be sure to maintain proper form and avoid overexerting yourself. Sprains, strains and inflammation can also occur if not careful. Make sure to avoid overuse and have adequate rest time between training sessions.

Recommend Necessary Gear, Such As Magnesium, To Aid In Safe And Effective Training

Calisthenics typically do not require much gear, but there are a few items that can help make your training safer and more effective.

Magnesium powder, for example, can help reduce sweat and improve your grip, preventing accidental slips that can lead to injuries.

Other gear might include a pull-up bar to ensure proper form and to work different muscles.

Likewise, a good pair of shoes and comfortable fitting clothing can also aid in reducing strain and helping keep the training session safe.

Ensuring safety during workouts is crucial to successful and efficient progress. With a proper warm-up, knowing the common injuries and how to prevent them, and the right gear, you can ensure safe and efficient calisthenics training sessions.

Tracking Your Progress: Why And How

Tracking your progress is an essential part of any fitness routine, including calisthenics training.

By keeping track of your reps, sets, and rest times, you can monitor your progress and adjust your training plan accordingly. Here's why and how to track your progress effectively:

Why Track Your Progress?

Tracking your progress can help you to:

- Identify areas where you need to improve

- Track your increases in strength and endurance

- Push yourself to do better at each workout

- Adjust your workout plan if it's not working

- Stay motivated and focused on your goals

How To Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is easy. First, set realistic goals for yourself: the number of reps you want to reach, the time limit you want to hit, and so on.

Record your progress in a workout log, app, or spreadsheet, so you can see how much you have improved over time. Write down the date, the exercise, the number of reps, the sets, and the rest times you took between each set.

Be sure to track not only the progress you've made, but also the challenges you've faced. This will help you to identify growth opportunities in your workouts.

How Often To Check Your Progress

For calisthenics training, it's best to track your progress every week or two, so you can adjust your workouts accordingly. Use the data you collect to help you make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts and what you need to do to improve.

By tracking your progress, you'll have the data you need to hold yourself accountable and stay on track to achieve your goals.

The Importance Of Diet In Calisthenics Training

Calisthenics training is not only about exercise but also requires you to fuel your body properly for maximum results. Even if you do your exercises correctly, if you're not eating a healthy, balanced diet, you won't see the progress you desire.

Why Diet Is Important

Diet plays a critical role in calisthenics training. Here are some reasons why:

- Provides the necessary energy for exercise performance and post-workout recovery

- Supports muscle growth and repair

- Regulates metabolism and hormonal balance

- Influences body composition and overall health

What To Eat

A well-rounded diet is critical for supporting calisthenics training. Here are some essential nutrients and foods to eat:

- Protein: Supports muscle growth and repair. Good sources include meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts.

- Carbohydrates: They provide energy for exercise. Good sources include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

- Healthy Fats: They aid in hormonal function and aid in inflammation reduction. Good sources include nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and fish.

- Vitamins and Minerals: Regulate metabolic and hormonal functions. Good sources are a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

What To Avoid

Just as important as what to eat is what to avoid. Here are some types of food and drink to avoid:

- Processed Foods: They contain unhealthy additives, which don't help with nutrition and can be detrimental to training goals.

- Sugary Drinks: They provide empty calories and can lead to inflammation, which can reduce overall energy levels and make it harder for you to push yourself during your calisthenics training.

- Bad Fats: Avoid trans fats and high amounts of saturated fats. They do not provide any benefits and can interfere with healthy metabolic and hormonal functioning.

By focusing on a balanced, nutritious and clean diet, you can fuel your workouts and recover from them smoothly. Remember to hydrate adequately, sleep well, and seek professional help if needed to achieve optimal results.

Tips For Joining Special Forces

Calisthenics training can be a great way to prepare for special forces training. In order to help you reach your goal, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Do Your Research

Before you even think of joining special forces, be sure to do your research. Look up the different branches and their requirements, the tests required, the recruitment process, and the training requirements. Understand the demands and expectations you will face and ensure you have the appropriate training and mindset.

Train Your Mind

Special forces requires more than just physical fitness - it requires mental toughness as well. Make sure you prepare your mind. Understand fully the mental demands needed with training in certain situations. Mental conditioning requires commitment, resilience, and focus.

Get In Shape

Calisthenics training is a fantastic way to develop your strength and endurance but it should not be your sole focus or limit. A well-rounded training regimen will help make you more efficient and effective. Incorporate resistance training, running, swimming, and other forms of exercise to work on various muscle groups and endurance.

Prepare Yourself For Tough Challenges

Special forces training is famous for being tough and gruelling. It's important to be prepared for a whole new level of physical and mental demands. Be ready to push yourself beyond your limits and to go through experiences that will test your character. Make a plan for optimal preparation to help minimise the shock once in training.

Stay Focused

Finally, always stay focused on your goal and never give up. Special forces training can be a long and challenging journey, but remember why you started and what you set out to do. Believe in your abilities, and remain motivated and committed to your training regimen.

With these tips, you can develop a strong mindset and body capable of meeting the demands of special forces training.

So What Sir

Sure, let me give it a shot!

If you're planning to join the special forces, calisthenics training is a must!


Because it is the ultimate workout for building strength, endurance, and improving overall performance.

We've covered a lot of awesome stuff in this article, so let's do a quick recap:

- Move over Crossfit, the Special Forces use calisthenics training to improve their selection parameters for pull-ups, push-ups, and abs.

- If Calisthenics training were a person, its name would be "Consistency and Progression."

- Proper warm-up and cool-down routines, preventing injuries, and necessary gear, are a must for preventing hilarious gym fails

- Tracking progress, following a healthy diet, and enjoying the occasional pizza pie, are critical in determining your gains and maximizing your efforts.

We encourage you to incorporate calisthenics into your training routine with enthusiasm, cheer and, clapping! Start slow and steady, but don't forget to push yourself and try for improvement!

Lastly, we understand that the journey to special forces is tough, but always remember to have fun, stay motivated, and keep a positive attitude during every training session. Oh, and don't forget to hydrate! :wink:

If you want to find more exciting tips and tricks about calisthenics and special forces training, be sure to check out our website and other valuable resources, and funny gym memes on the web.

So, let's get those gains and become tough as nails with calisthenics training! And yes, we can all give ourselves a pat on the back for reading this fantastic article.


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